Axe Throwing

Some History
Axe-Throwing can be traced back to logger & lumberjack competitions of the 1940s, where players stand behind a foul line and throw axes into a target for points. Very similar to darts. To provide a safe & fun environment for all our customers, Timber has trained Axe-Attendants working at all times who are responsible for instruction and monitoring our Axe-Throwing lanes. Before being given an axe to throw, our Axe-Attendants will ensure you know the rules and give you pointers on how to throw.

One Axe-Thrower • $25
Two+ Axe-Throwers • $20 Per Person
One Axe-Thrower • $15
Two+ Axe-Throwers • $15 Per Person

How to Play
-Games are played in 3 rounds, 1 winner per round.
-Each player will perform a total of 5 throws per round.
-After each round, players must switch lanes.
-Players must win 2 out of 3 rounds to win the match.
-The bullseye is 5 points
-The middle ring is 3 points
-The outer ring is 1 point
-Any of the 2-inch circles or ‘clutch’, at the top of the board is 7 points
-Players must declare their intention to throw for clutch before they throw, also referred to as ‘calling clutch’ or to ‘call clutch’.
-Players can only throw for clutch on the 5th and final throw of each round.
-An accidental clutch is not valid, even on a 5th throw. No clutch call means no points.
-Once clutch is called, only the clutch point area is valid and all other point areas are worth 0 points. EX: If a player calls clutch but hits a bullseye, they receive no points.

Accept and respect the decisions of our axe attendants who ensure the safety of all patrons and have the authority to stop games in progress and suspend players as they see fit.
Participants must submit a signed waiver before entering the axe playing area.
You must be 18 to participate in axe throwing – no exceptions.
Open-toe shoes such as sandals or flip-flops are prohibited.
Do not attempt to throw axes while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs that alter your motor coordination.
Axes are to be aimed only at the targets.
Horseplay or the mishandling of axes will result in the immediate suspension and removal of the players from the axe throwing area.
Only one thrower and one axe are allowed in a throwing lane at a time.
Do not enter a throwing lane until the previous axe thrower has vacated their lane and their axe is secure.
Only axes provided and maintained by Timber are allowed on-premises.
Do not retrieve thrown axes until all players in adjacent lanes have completed throwing.
Never attempt to catch a ricocheting axe.
Do not touch or lean on the fencing between lanes.